Increase Your Website’s Reach with Content Repurposing

Sharing information is crucial to success in the modern online marketplace. Well written and well researched articles aimed at educating, entertaining and engaging your site visitors can help boost your business’ credibility and favourably influence your site visitors behaviour. But what if your audience doesn’t like reading on screen?

That’s where Content Repurposing comes in. There are so many ways to repurpose content today. With a little ingenuity you can convert your original article into a audio recording (podcast), a video (vodcast), an online slideshow or even a live presentation!

Here’s 7 ways to repurpose your site content:

  • Article
    Write a brief article (500-700 words). Post on your website. Submit to article banks
  • Live Presentation
    Use content from your article and add examples, anecdotes, comments, handouts
  • eNewsletter
    Post your entire article, or part of it with a link to the rest, on your website
  • Blog
    Post text, embed video, audio or slideshow. Each blog post is indexed as a separate page by search engines. Get syndicated.

Don’t forget to add your name, website and contact details to everything you produce.

If you provide a variety of ways for your audience to engage and absorb your content, you’re giving yourself a better chance of turning site visitors into customers, not to mention improving your site’s SEO.

7 Ways to Repurpose Content.
The Top 10 Article Banks on the Web