Why a picture still speaks a thousand words

If you’ve ever been bored and lost focus during a visual-less presentation, you’re not alone. We are visually wired to understand information faster and better through images than text. Check out Visual.ly’s latest infographic for more below: by infographicly. Explore more visuals like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.

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Principles of Interface Design: Colour

Whether designing graphics for print or the web, there are some basic principles worth noting if we want our designs to be well received. The technicolour horrors of the past can still be seen in the far reaches of the interweb, where these rules were obviously never applied. Murch, G. M. in his book; ‘The Effective Use of…

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White Is White, Except When It Isn’t

simulated color shift across different displays

Many factors affect color accuracy when creating and editing digital images. As with print, color on the web depends on the environment in which the image is created. Unlike print, web-based images can change every time they’re displayed because the monitors of users will vary, and no press check can catch problems that crop up.…

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What the font?

what the font post image

Ever been admiring a great design with a striking typeface and wished you knew the name of the font? So what do you do? Do you scour font sites in the hope you’ll come across it? Send emails to font foundaries? Or just lie awake in bed at night wondering? Well, now you don’t have…

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